Navigating the “New Normal”: Investigating the Relationship Between Full-time Remote Work, Organizational Justice, and Turnover Intentions.


Franklin University Dissertation Excellence Award - Nominee (Summer 2023)

Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Committee Chair

Charles Fenner

Committee Member

John Nadalin

Committee Member

Crissie Jameson


The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of full-time remote work, driven by the need for flexibility and the challenges posed by the global health crisis. While remote work offers benefits like reduced commuting stress and increased flexibility, it also presents unique challenges that organizations must address to foster a motivated and engaged remote workforce. Organizational justice, which encompasses perceptions of fairness and equity, plays a critical role in employee motivation and commitment. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between full-time remote work, organizational justice, and turnover intention. Using a quantitative research approach, survey tools were used to assess the elements of organizational justice (distributive, procedural, and interactional) and analyze their impact on turnover intention. The findings showed that all elements of organizational justice had a significant relationship with turnover intention in full-time remote workers, with procedural justice having the strongest relationship. This suggests that remote workers' perceptions of fair procedures and processes within their organizations influence their intention to leave. The findings of this study have implications for organizations aiming to create a positive remote work culture and mitigate turnover risks by emphasizing procedural justice through transparent processes, employee participation, and fair performance evaluations. It contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the importance of organizational justice in remote work environments and emphasizing the need for organizations to adapt their practices to meet the specific needs of remote workers.
