Exploring Strategies and Resources for Implementing Remote Learning in PreK-12 Public Schools Using the Delphi Method


Franklin University Dissertation Excellence Award - Nominee (Fall 2023)

Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership (EdD)

Committee Chair

Valerie Storey

Committee Member

Sarah Jouganatos

Committee Member

Dail Fields


In the spring of 2020, the global pandemic of COVID-19 resulted in the rapid transition from traditional in-person PreK-12 instruction to emergency remote learning. As educators continue to operate in a post-pandemic era, they engage in multiple variations of remote learning without the training or guidance to consistently achieve positive results, as evidenced by smaller gains in student learning compared to classroom instruction. By exploring the lived experiences of expert educators from their time during the global pandemic, valuable information can be collected that can be used to develop guidance for remote learning. Through anonymous collaboration using the Delphi method, the observations, experiences, and opinions of expert remote educators were used to collect instructional practices and resources that are likely to impact student learning positively. The findings of this research were synthesized to form a practical guide for educational leaders called the Remote Learning Implementation Guide (RLIG). The three primary sections of the RLIG are pre-implementation tasks, instructional practices, and program evaluation. Pre-implementation tasks include program acquisition and stakeholder training. The consensus generated through the Delphi process revealed targeted instruction, whole-student instruction, and active engagement as validated categories of instructional practices that should be included in effective remote learning programs. These validated instructional practices included in the RLIG form the components of remote learning that are likely to predict high levels of student learning within a remote learning instructional model.
