Browse the collected research and scholarship of faculty in the College of Business (COB). COB is comprised of multiple academic departments, including Accounting, Finance, and Risk Management; Management and Marketing; Business Administration; Operations & Supply Chain Management; and Logistics. This collection includes a variety of scholarship including articles, reports, presentations, etc.
Submissions from 2021
Don't Miss These Patients! The Experience of Working Full Time While Also Being a Caregiver, Debbie Conner and Alyncia Bowen
Advancing Workplace Diversity: Weathering the Storm to Create a Path toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Lisa T. Toler
Submissions from 2019
Dichotomies: Lessons from a College Life on Tour, Alexander J. Dontre
Cybersecurity Education: The Quest to Building Bridge Skills, Andy Igonor, Raymond L. Forbes, and Jonathan McCombs
Books from 2018
Experiential Learning: Practicing Real World Financial Planning, Anta Diao and Martina Peng
The Leader as Servant: Followership to Leadership, Timothy F. Reymann
Strategy Execution Improvement Requires Institutional Change, Jon Umstead
Submissions from 2017
Biology, Business and Brain Science: The Strangest of Attractors?, Raymond L. Forbes, Andy Igonor, and Kody F. Kuehnl
Formative Evaluation of a Web-based Multimedia Intervention to Support Learning of Statistics, Natalya Koehler, Ana-Paula Correia, Nimet Alpay, and Carolyn LeVally
Posters from 2016
All Perspectives Matter: A Co-orientational Analysis of Problem-based Law Enforcement and Community Relationships, Jonathan McCombs, James A. White, and JoAnna Williamson
Is It Too Late for College Planning?, Martina Peng
I'm Engaged! Maximizing the Online Learning Experience, JoAnna Williamson, Matthew Barclay, and Jacinta Banks
Submissions from 2015
Teaching abroad: Ensuring a good opportunity is really great, Garry McDaniel
Books from 2014
Factors that Influence Practitioners Trained in Six Sigma Principles in the Development of a Community of Practice, Alyncia Bowen
Preparing Faculty For Overseas Assignments, Garry McDaniel, Debra Petrizzo, Gary Stroud, and Susan Arehart
Mandated Personal Finance Education, Martina Peng and Souren Soumbatiants
Educating the Auditors: Recommendations for Addressing General, Behavioral Competency Needs in Collegiate Accounting Programs, Charles T. Saunders
Study Abroad: Do Adult Non-traditional Students and Traditional Students Receive the Same Benefits and Have the Same Concerns About Studying Abroad?, JoAnna Williamson and Jasmine Suarez