Measuring Successful Social Inclusion of Clients With Intellectual Disabilities: A Case Study From The Perspective of Staff Providing Services

Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Healthcare Administration (DHA)

Committee Chair

Alyncia Bowen

Committee Member

Eliot Jackson

Committee Member

Gail Frankle


The purpose of this qualitative single site case study was to measure from the perspective of direct service professionals how well clients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) are being socially included in the community. The research question pursued was the following: How does the Direct Service Professional’s (DSP) measurement of successful inclusion in the community impact clients with IDD living in supportive living homes? A literature review of social inclusion and quality of life for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities indicates the focus of studies has been on the family members who are a natural support to the clients. Limited research exists on the perspective or measurement of Direct Support Professionals who are closest to the clients in many cases and provide support and care. Primary data for this qualitative study was from semi–structured, open–ended interviews with 11 (DSPs) at a single site agency. The primary goal of this research is to determine from the lens of DSP staff if clients are being successfully socially included in the community.
