Dynamics of Culture and Fatalism on Likelihood of Engaging in Cardiovascular Prevention-Seeking Behaviors

Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Healthcare Administration (DHA)

Committee Chair

Jordan Argus

Committee Member

Steven Marks

Committee Member

Dail Fields


Aim: The study sought to understand the relationship between cardiovascular disease, fatalism, and prevention-seeking behaviors disparities between Blacks and Whites. Background: In the US, one death occurs every forty seconds as a result of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The CVD burden disproportionately impacts Blacks partly due to the overabundance of attributable risk factors like obesity, hypertension, and diabetes within this population segment. Approximately 90% of lifestyle risk factors are modifiable. Early prevention strategies or prevention-seeking behaviors are vital in improving patient outcomes. However, prevention-seeking behavior (PSB) strategies should be culturally sensitive. Method: The study was based on a cross-sectional research design, and data was collected via a web-based survey instrument. Black and White adults aged ≥18 years were the population of interest. The dependent variable was prevention-seeking behavior, and the focal dependent variable was the cardiovascular disease fatalism instrument (CVD-FI) score. Alternate independent variables included age, race, cardiovascular disease, and comorbid conditions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statics, Pearson’s correlational analysis, and ANCOVA via IBM SPSS Statistics Grad Pack 29.0 Standard Windows. Conclusion: There was insufficient evidence to reject the null hypotheses of a statistically significant difference between Blacks and Whites in CVD fatalism and prevention-seeking behaviors. Race may have indirectly influenced fatalism through CVD family history and preexisting conditions and levels of PSB through care access.
