The Postsecondary Education Food Insecurity Experiences of Military Student Service Members and Veterans: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership (EdD)

Committee Chair

Niccole Hyatt

Committee Member

Crissie Jameson

Committee Member

Jeffrey Ferezan


This study applied a qualitative methodology and generated descriptive data while exploring the food insecurity (FI) of student service members and veterans (SSM/V). Thematic data analysis was used to rigorously interpret the participant’s reporting’s (Braun, & Clarke, 2006; Terry, et al., 2017). The conceptual framework that informed the study was the multi-theoretical model of student persistence (Falcone, 2011). The following research question (RQ) guided the researcher: How do food-insecure military student service members and veterans describe their post-secondary food-insecure lived experiences? The study’s in-depth semi-structured interviews applied five open ended questions The guiding research question and four research sub-questions. In sum 15 SSM/V participants were recruited online and interviewed from five different states, along the east coast, and the central U.S. (Maramwidze-Merrison, 2016). Participants were from various postsecondary institutions. Three support services professionals were interviewed each having completed a doctoral degree, from two different states, and familiar with FI. The researcher developed codes were read and reread during coding and analyzed on an Excel Spreadsheet, for recurring and critical themes that developed throughout the interviews (Creswell, 2014; Pajo, 2017). Categorization, and consolidation of the intersecting codes and themes found four informative themes critical to the topic of the FI SSM/V. This exploratory study provided rich descriptive data on the following four FI SSM/V themes: 1) intersecting stressors, 2) consider seeking help, 3) accessing Food, 4) coping strategies. The researcher also integrated content gleaned from experiential observations, and reflections, to add context to the experiences of the FI SSM/V (Maramwidze-Merrison, 2016). Key terms: DFAC, food security (FS), food insecurity (FI), military discharge, military student service member and veterans (SSM/V), postsecondary.
