Experiences of First-Generation Vietnamese Americans With the Healthcare System in the United States and Impact on Quality Care

Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Healthcare Administration (DHA)

Committee Chair

Leslie Mathew

Committee Member

David Meckstroth

Committee Member

Alyncia Bowen


The purpose of this study was to explore the healthcare experiences of Vietnamese Americans in Ohio and how those experiences impact the quality of care. 11 first-generation Vietnamese Americans who immigrated to the United States from the Vietnam War and were born between the years 1925-1955 were interviewed based on their experiences during healthcare visits and how they believe certain factors impact the quality of care. The study investigated how aspects like immigration, identifying as a refugee, acculturation, and healthcare practices may have an impact on the experiences of first-generation Vietnamese Americans with the healthcare system in the United States. This study followed a qualitative approach by using semi-structured interviews where the researcher will ask individuals 13 questions. Participants read a short description about the study and signed an informed consent to participate in this research. Recordings of the interviews were transcribed, analyzed, and coded by using Atlas.ti software to determine trends and patterns from the respondents.
