Leaders who influence the attainment of Overall Medicare Star Ratings in Managed Care Organizations

Date of Award

Summer 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Ferezan

Committee Member

Dale Gooden

Committee Member

Debra Petrizzo


Attaining high Overall Medicare Star ratings (MSR) is essential to the success of managed care organizations (MCOs) in the United States. Leaders are integral to the organizational performance in MCOs. This quantitative study focused on identifying the impact of Leadership practice and Years of leaders’ Medicare experience in helping leaders influence high Medicare Star Ratings in MCOs. The study focused on two (2) research questions. (RQ1) Is overall leadership practice useful in predicting a leader's ability to influence the attainment of high MSRs in MCOs? (RQ2): RQ2: Is Years of leader's Medicare experience useful in predicting a leader's ability to influence the attainment of high MSR in MCOs? The study had 35 high (4, 4.5, and 5-Stars) MSR leaders and 35 low (3.5-Stars or less) MSR leaders, consisting of a total of 70 participants. Data for this study was gathered using the Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI ®) tool. The participants included supervisors, managers, directors, and executives in the MCO they worked. Parametric independent T-Test was used to test the statistical significance of the mean difference between the two (2) leader groups. Logistic regression was used to predict leaders’ ability to influence the attainment of high MSR with leadership practices and years of Medicare experience. The result indicated a statistically significant relationship between leadership practices and MSR. Also, the practice of the five (5) LPI® themes autonomously cannot significantly predict a leader’s ability to contribute to influencing MSR. The findings also showed that leaders’ Medicare experience is effective in influencing the attainment of high MSR in MCOs.
