Home Care Staffing Shortage: Impact on Older Adult Independence
Publication Date
Zoom Link for Presentation
Start Date
3-8-2025 1:30 PM
End Date
3-8-2025 2:00 PM
Presentation Type
Research Presentation
Showcase Track
Organizational Change in Healthcare Administration (OCIHA)
The independence of community-dwelling older adults is impacted by disease, chronic conditions, and the ability to care for oneself with or without support. The ability to accomplish daily living tasks is essential for an older adult to remain independent. The older adult population is expanding along with the need for assistance with daily living tasks which will not be accomplished with the current formal home care workforce. Independence declines for older adults during episodes of disease as well as when symptoms from chronic conditions exacerbate. However, it is not clear to what degree the formal home care workforce shortage is impacting older adult independence. The focus of this research is to determine if the formal home care staffing shortage impacts older adult independence. This study will involve qualitative research which will allow for a deeper understanding of older adults and events that are happening related to their independence. A recorded semi-structured interview will be conducted in the older adults' residence along with an observation. The research design will be qualitative as there will be instruments involved to document the interview and observation, so that data may be collected and analyzed. The sample will be that of a randomized one-group posttest-only design since no pretest will be utilized. The sampling method involves probability sampling as participants will be recruited using a sampling frame that involves selection from the population receiving home care services. Older adults interviewed in this study will likely create findings that show the home care staffing shortage does impact their independence. The findings will contribute to supporting the establishment of alternative formal home care models.
Home Care Staffing Shortage: Impact on Older Adult Independence
Recommended Citation
Gregory, John, "Home Care Staffing Shortage: Impact on Older Adult Independence" (2025).
Franklin University Scholarship Showcase. Paper 18.
Available at: https://fuse.franklin.edu/showcase/2025/presentations/18
Home Care Staffing Shortage: Impact on Older Adult Independence
The independence of community-dwelling older adults is impacted by disease, chronic conditions, and the ability to care for oneself with or without support. The ability to accomplish daily living tasks is essential for an older adult to remain independent. The older adult population is expanding along with the need for assistance with daily living tasks which will not be accomplished with the current formal home care workforce. Independence declines for older adults during episodes of disease as well as when symptoms from chronic conditions exacerbate. However, it is not clear to what degree the formal home care workforce shortage is impacting older adult independence. The focus of this research is to determine if the formal home care staffing shortage impacts older adult independence. This study will involve qualitative research which will allow for a deeper understanding of older adults and events that are happening related to their independence. A recorded semi-structured interview will be conducted in the older adults' residence along with an observation. The research design will be qualitative as there will be instruments involved to document the interview and observation, so that data may be collected and analyzed. The sample will be that of a randomized one-group posttest-only design since no pretest will be utilized. The sampling method involves probability sampling as participants will be recruited using a sampling frame that involves selection from the population receiving home care services. Older adults interviewed in this study will likely create findings that show the home care staffing shortage does impact their independence. The findings will contribute to supporting the establishment of alternative formal home care models.
Home Care Staffing Shortage: Impact on Older Adult Independence