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The purpose of this poster is to describe the collaborative model developed between a private university in the U.S. and constituents in South Korea to facilitate nurses’ attainment of a U.S. registered nurse (RN) license, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, and employment in the U.S.

Throughout the world, nurses are being encouraged to increase their educational preparation from an entry level diploma or associate’s degree, to the BSN degree (International Council of Nurses, 2009). In South Korea, the government has recently mandated that nurses attain a BSN degree, and has closed all programs offering only the lower level of preparation. The U.S. BSN degree is highly esteemed by Korean nurses, though it is often difficult for them to travel to the U.S. for further education. In addition, there is a desire on the part of many South Korean nurses to migrate to the U.S., where opportunities for nurses are more diverse.

The collaborative model depicts a three-pronged approach to facilitate success for the nurses. The first step initiated in Korea, includes support for the nurse’s application and attainment of licensure in the U.S. This includes teaching a National Council Licensing Exam (NCLEX) preparation course, offered in English. Nurses then take the NCLEX in Guam, the nearest country where the exam is offered. Upon successful completion of the NCLEX, they are assisted in applying for licensure in the state of New York, to obtain the RN license.

The second prong of the model includes completion of the RN-BSN program, offered online through the U.S. university. In preparation for entrance to the RN-BSN program, the nurses take an English refresher course, offered in Korea in a face-to-face format. The coursework for the RN-BSN program was designed to be completed within one year. At the beginning of the program, faculty from the university travel to Korea to offer an orientation to the program, and a short study-success course.

The third prong in the model is facilitation of employment in the U.S. During the year of study the nurses may concurrently apply for a visa for the U.S. Partners in Korea, working with U.S. healthcare systems, will facilitate employment and visa applications.

It is anticipated that there may be concurrent completion of the three steps of the model, with collaboration amongst partners to facilitate attainment of the RN license, education and employment. The model will be fully implemented in 2015, with an initial cohort of 25 nurses.

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College of Health and Public Administration


Higher Education | Nursing

Collaborative Model for South Korean Nurses: Education, U.S. RN Licensure, and Employment
