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While there's general consensus among many stakeholders in the educational sector about the value and the need to deploy open educational resources (OER) as a potential cure to rising costs of instructional and learning materials, particularly textbooks; little agreement exists on how this noble endeavor should be mainstreamed. This could partly be due to complexities and variations in needs of various institutions as well as departments within the same institutions. In other words, there is a lack of universally accepted taxonomy of OER standards and clearinghouse and/or system dedicated to vetting quality and efficacy of OER. Additionally, not much research has been conducted to ascertain whether the adoption of OER in higher education has indeed transformed learning through creation of efficiencies that enable access to quality and effective learning materials (that improve performance) while lowering costs to learners. Debate on whether to adopt or not adopt OER should move beyond cost considerations as the major driver. Instead the debate has to critically evaluate other key elements, as this is a multifaceted issue.

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Office of Research, Scholarship and Writing


Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Open Educational Resources (OER): A Framework for Adoption and Its Impact Assessment on Learning



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