Analyzing the Janus Decision’s Impact on Public Sector Unions and Labor Relations

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Ferezan

Committee Member

Niccole Hyatt

Committee Member

Crissie Jameson


This qualitative study provides a comprehensive exploration of the far-reaching implications of the Supreme Court's Janus v. AFSCME decision on both unionized public sector employees in leadership positions and labor relations managers. The Janus decision, which prohibited public sector unions from collecting mandatory fees from non-consenting employees, has altered the landscape of labor relations. The research investigates the experiences of unionized public sector employees in leadership roles and labor relations managers before and after the Janus decision. Moyang (2023) authored that Self Determination Theory (SDT) has three psychological needs. They are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The study's incorporation of SDT adds a psychological element to the understanding of union involvement. Additionally, the study explores organizational relationships and the influence of interactions and networks on collaboration and support. Miller (2023) authored that qualitative research is utilized to identify patterns or themes within datasets utilizing thematic analysis. Thematic analysis was employed to identify key themes and patterns within the collected data, ensuring a nuanced understanding of the diverse viewpoints of union employees in leadership positions and labor relations managers. By incorporating the perspectives of both these groups, the research contributes valuable insights to the existing literature on the consequences of the Janus decision. This analysis provides an academic viewpoint on the connection between work relations and unions. By clearly defining the paths of labor relations managers and union leaders, the research establishes theoretical frameworks for navigating today's labor relations.
