Strategizing A Vibrant and Competitive Market Integration of Biosimilars: A Health Care Provider Clinical Adoption Plan.


Franklin University Dissertation Excellence Award - Nominee (Summer 2024)

Date of Award

Summer 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Healthcare Administration (DHA)

Committee Chair

David Meckstroth

Committee Member

Karen Lankisch

Committee Member

Bora Pajo


As of the end of the twentieth century, biological drug therapies were at the forefront of health research for treating life-threatening diseases. Despite their therapeutical benefits stemming from providing great treatment hope against lethal diseases, biological drugs end up placing a financial burden on the American healthcare system. In the last decade, biological drug skyrocketing prices have significantly impacted net drug expenditures. The biological drug market needs more competitors. This impacted the passage of the Biological Price Competition and Innovation Act in 2010, introducing biosimilars, the highly safe and effective but less expensive biological copycat alternative drugs. However, a decade after biosimilars introduction, healthcare administration barriers limit American pharmacists and physicians from adopting biosimilars. Hence, the current low American health care provider biosimilar adoption rate must be improved to realize significant healthcare savings. Although many literature studies have examined biosimilar clinical adoption hurdles among American pharmacists and physicians in their siloed medical care settings, they have yet to focus on creating a comprehensive un-siloed biosimilar adoption plan based on their inputs. Therefore, to determine the essential elements to boost biosimilar adoption, this qualitative exploratory study thoroughly examined the literature. It then gathered the viewpoints of pharmacists and physicians who were acquainted with biosimilars by conducting semi-structured question interviews with 13 pharmacists and 8 physicians for a total of 21 participants. The findings of this study suggest that to create a dynamic and competitive biosimilar comprehensive clinical adoption plan, increasing HCPP education, having sufficient healthcare reimbursement, improving the roles of essential stakeholders, and increasing communication among key stakeholders are all necessary to increase biosimilars' trust and adoption, facilitating the U.S. healthcare system transition to a value-based care model.
