Submission Guidelines for All Faculty and Staff Scholarship

Who Can Submit

Franklin University faculty (full-time and part-time) and staff.

How to Submit

Before you submit your work to FUSE, ensure your submission can be added by:

  1. Checking that your submission meets the Content Guidelines and Supported Content Types
  2. Verifying whether your submissions has any copyright or licensing restrictions. If you previously published or presented work, you may have restrictions on where and how you can post your work. If needed, check any author agreements. If you don’t have that, check the Sherpa/Romeo site for publisher information. If not available on Sherpa-Romeo, check the publisher’s site for author permissions and/or copyright/licensing information.
  3. Confirming your submission is in the proper file format

Once you ensured your work can be submitted, sign-in using your University login, read and agree to the Submission Agreement & Instructions, and fill out all required submission form fields. It is recommended to include other fields that may not be required such as the Abstract field, since this additional information helps increase the discoverability of your work on search engines.

After submission is complete, FUSE administrators will review and post your work. Any work that does not meet FUSE Guidelines and Policies will not be accepted. For more information, contact FUSE (fuse@franklin.ed).

Submission Requirements

Before a submission can be published to FUSE, it must meet all submission requirements. Submissions that do not meet requirements will not be published in FUSE. FUSE staff will contact contributors to let them know if their content was approved and published, approved pending additional information and/or edits from contributor, or does not meet FUSE standards.

Works published in the repository will be available for free to the general public via the internet. Authors must grant a non-exclusive License to the University in order to publish their work in FUSE. Because the license is non-exclusive, authors retain ownership of copyright in the work, and may continue to use and license the work without further obligation to the University (see Copyright & Licensing section).

In order to submit work to FUSE, the author must agree to the Submission Agreement & Instructions form during the submission process. This Agreement asks the author to:

  1. Verify that their work falls within content guidelines
  2. Agree to the FUSE Contributor Copyright Acknowledgement / License Agreement
  3. Select a Creative Commons license to apply to their material
  4. Fill out all required submission form fields
  5. Provide appropriate file formats