First hosted in 2014, this unique poster event honors the innovative work of students, faculty, nonprofit, government and business partners both in the United States and abroad. It provides a unique opportunity to encourage and foster partnerships and collaborations among universities, colleges, and industry while including those who may not normally have a venue for recognition and sharing of ideas, theories, research, evaluations and other societal contributions.
The event was hosted in partnership with the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Columbus State Community College, and the Columbus College of Art & Design.
Browse poster presentations from 2016 below.
The Student Benefits of a STEMM Scholarship Program
Kelly B. Renner, Todd Hampel, Chunbo Chu, and Aditya Kharel
"According to a recent report by the Center on Education and the Workforce, eight million new jobs will be available in STEMM-related fields by 2018" ( The distinguished Choose Ohio First Scholarship has been granted to a select group of technology majors at Franklin University since 2012, many of whom have gone on to gain employment in technology-related fields, while remaining in the state of Ohio. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to measure the Choose Ohio First Scholars' academic persistence, graduation, and employment compared to the other students, who were declared Computer Science and Management Information Sciences majors, at Franklin University. Initial statistical analysis indicated that there was a positive correlation between the Choose Ohio First Scholars' academic persistence, graduation, and employment. Choose Ohio First Scholars were more likely to graduate from Franklin University than the general student body enrolled in Computer Science and Management Information Sciences majors. Students who receive additional academic support and financial support from their institution might be more likely to graduate and gain employment in their fields of study than students who do not receive additional support.
Franklin County Teen Pregnancy
Sharon D. Sachs
- Since 2007, advocating for and serving Franklin County pregnant and parenting teens (PPT).
- Managing an 11 organization/15 program service collaborative - Healthy Families Connection (HFC).
- Assessing impact on lives of PPT as progress toward 6 outcomes. • Conducting studies and surveys.
- Promoting community standards of service to PPT.
Teaching Origami
Monica Salisbury
Ohio Paper Folders is a visual arts education organization whose participating artists teach origami all over the state of Ohio. In a time when funding for arts programs is being cut nationwide, we are able to offer an affordable, accessible, and beneficial introduction to the arts through the ancient practice of origami. By leveraging powerful community relationships and offering interactive instructional presentations, Ohio Paper Folders is able to reach and engage students of all ages and means in a wide variety of venues.
Girls on the Run is SO much fun!
Jess Sparks
A girl's self esteem peaks at age 8. Pre-adolescence and adolescence is a vulnerable period for all children; however, research reveals it can be a particularly difficult time for girls. Girls in the age range of Girls on the Run participants are at the critical point of their development where gender stereotyping of personality traits and achievement domains emerge and the gender stereotyping becomes less rigid, which is why this is a critical time to intervene. Girls on the Run is the first and only physical-activity learning based-youth development program for girls in 3rd-8th grade in Franklin County (ages 8-14). The purpose of Girls on the Run is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun experience-based curriculum that creatively integrates running. Twice a year for 1 O weeks after school, girls are led by volunteer coaches through a 20-lesson program (covering topics like positive self-talk, cooperation and service to community) and develop a pace of movement to accomplish the end of season Girls on the Run 5k. Over the course of the program the girls come away with the following skills: develop and improve competence, feel confident in who they are, develop strength of character, respond to others and self with care and compassion, create positive connections with peers and adults, and make meaningful contribution to com
Collaborating a Shared Vision of Child and Family Well Being
Tom Standish
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are major factors contributing to both physical and mental illness. ACEs include: physical/sexual abuse, neglect, domestic/community violence, parental separation/divorce, household substance abuse, household mental illness. ACEs in a culture of poverty furthers: unemployment/underemployment, social isolation, poor housing, early death, mental illness, higher suicide, high risk behaviors, alcohol substance abuse, physical illness, a navigational quagmire. However, people do build resiliency. People do recover.
The Impossibility of a Civil Society
Isidoro Talavera
We will never be able to achieve a liberal civil society because limitations of a civil society cannot be seen to be just a matter that it sometimes operates in an arena where contradictory forces are at play-where imperfect people organize around democratic and liberal values, and also around values that can be defined as uncivil to protect their group-based interests. The five conditions prohibit a liberal civil society because when applied each of which seems, when independently considered, to be plausible, but when taken together in fact conflict and are logically incompatible. Accordingly, one may argue that civil society should be considered as part of a wide spectrum of the different forms or degrees of uncivil society .
Family Based Treatment for Adults with Anorexia Nervosa Using Insights from Neurobiology
The Center for Balanced Living
Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a biologically-based brain disorder, which has the highest death rate of all mental illnesses. No effective treatments exist for adults with severe and enduring AN (5-7+ years). Brain imaging studies at University of California San Diego on AN temperament, cognition and eating show common traits related to neural function. The temperaments are characterized by increased trait anxiety and state anxiety related to food and eating, high incidence of co-morbid anxiety disorders, high punishment sensitivity and low reward reactivity, elevated intolerance of uncertainty and exaggerated harm avoidance (HA). HA is a multifaceted temperament trait that contains elements of anxiety, inhibition and inflexibility.
Columbus Scholar House: Innovative Housing for Student Parents
Isabel Toth, Traci Lewis, Denise Liston, Nancy Hood, Sarah French, and DaVita Tucker
Almost one-quarter of the U.S. college students are also parents. Many student parents are single parents, grew up in households with limited financials resources, or are the first in their families to attend college. Stable, quality, affordable housing is a critical foundation for student parents to be successful but there are limited housing options for this student subgroup. Supporting high-quality early learning opportunities for children of student parents is also a priority based on evidence from two-generation approaches to breaking the cycle of poverty.
Designing the Future of Learning: A Partnership Approach
Lori Trent
- Most of today's educational system teaches students standardized content that fails to represent the real world in which they live and will work.
- Often Educational practices lack a problem-solving methodology, and fail to engage students enough to choose a career in STEM fields.
- Subject matter is standardized across disparate communities, regions, and cultures and often students are disengaged and teachers struggle to make STEM come alive in the classroom.
- However, the PAST Foundation has revolutionized how we teach STEM today and are providing their innovative approach to schools across the state and nation.
- The new PAST Innovation Lab model can be used in every rural, urban, and suburban part of the state and across the nation.
Stress Management
Kristine Veley
There is a great deal of research supporting the effects of stress on an employee. The combination of stress types, acute, episodic, chronic, and traumatic stress, without stress management practices can greatly affect the employee and organization. While some occupational stress is normal, when stress becomes overwhelming it takes a toll on productivity, job satisfaction, and leads to feelings of anxiety, irritableness and depression (Knauss & Ravi, 2009).
Prior Learning Assessment: The Changing Landscape of Higher Learning
Christopher Washington and Leslie J. King
Educators aspire that students will take their college learning out of the classroom and change the world, why not have students bring their learning to college and change the classroom? In recent years there has been an increasing emphasis on recognizing prior learning and advanced credentialing as college credit. See how prior learning assessment is changing institutions of higher education.
Student Usability Analysis of BlueQuill LMS
Tawana Washington
- The purposes of this usability evaluation are to address the lack of student input and guide future enhancements to BlueQuill.
- Franklin University invested in the design, development, and maintenance of its own learning management system (BlueQuill).
- It does not appear the university conducted an analysis of students' needs concerning an LMS (formative) nor the usability from students' perspectives (summative).
Mediating NAGPRA: Bringing Cultural Consideration Back to the Table
Ashley Bartman Watson
Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
- Became federal law on November 16, 1990 to correct gross inequalities between the protection of Native and non-Native cultural objects.
- Requires collecting institutions to: create an inventory of any Native American human skeletal remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and items of cultural patrimony in their possession.
- Native American or Hawaiian groups can request repatriation if: they can show that they have true ownership of the cultural object or are a lineal descendant of the human remains in question.
I'm Engaged! Maximizing the Online Learning Experience
JoAnna Williamson, Matthew Barclay, and Jacinta Banks
How do we engage learners online? In this poster, we present design and teaching solutions to help engage students in online learning.
Redefining the Role of the Police: Perspectives and Expectations
Richard Zitzke and Jonathan McCombs
The American Policing infrastructure and much of the criminal justice system is under fire for what is perceived as racial and biased policing and Draconian enforcement tactics. The book explores the evolution of the history of policing and how the public perception of the police has changed over the decades. The exploration of a changing expectation where the police receive mixed messages from policy makers and the legal community is exacerbated by the human bias throughout the system. Police training and hiring practices have been focused on in order to achieve the greatest impact, but much work must be done to restore the public trust in the police and align expectations for officers. The dirty business of enforcement cannot be the only activity that police perform. A call to real community policing is in order.