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Publication Date
Summer 7-31-2017
Discussion of the importance of using web design to create research guides that not only contain relevant information, but are mobile friendly and easily accessible. LibGuides is an online content creation package that allows all libraries to curate resources into research guides that best fit the needs of their patrons. Research guides can be a valuable resource, but they must be designed effectively. The goal of this session is to highlight the value of research guides, and also the best practices to use when creating online resources. These include not only the amount and type of content, but also layout and design, writing for the web, and being mobile-friendly. Making use of these standards will make guides more user-friendly and targeted to the patron's needs. While this session will focus on LibGuides, the information presented will be useful in regard to several aspects of web design.
Administrative Offices, Executives, and Centers
Academic Department
Learning Commons
Publication or Event Title
Ohio Library Support Staff Institute 2017
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Recommended Citation
Casey, C. (2017). Forget the Kitchen Sink!: Designing Focused, Student-Centered, and Mobile Friendly Research Guides. Ohio Library Support Staff Institute 2017 Retrieved from