Submissions from 2021
What Graduate School Didn't Teach You About Instructional Design Consulting, Joel Gardner, Dawn Snyder, Jim Guilkey, Virginia Abbott, and Matthew Barclay
Submissions from 2020
Instructional Design Leadership and Management Competencies: Job Description Analysis, Joel Gardner, Lewis Chongwony, and Amie Tope
Learning Analytics and Gateway Courses: Keys to Student Success, Constance Wanstreet, Meghan B. Raehll, and Yuerong Sweetland
Books from 2018
Fostering Women’s Leadership in the Classroom, Brandy Bagar-Fraley
Leveraging Paradoxical Tensions: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Private Nonprofit U.S Higher Education Institution, Patrick A. Bennett
Entry-Level to Leader, Jeannie Black
Applying Project Management Strategies in a Large Curriculum Conversion Project in Higher Education, Joel Gardner, Patrick Bennett, Niccole Hyatt, and Kevin Stoker
Investigating Instructional Design Management and Leadership Competencies - a Delphi Study, Joel Gardner, Lewis Chongwony, and Tawana Washington
Who Owns the Questions?, Roberta Niche
Authentic Learning: A Reflection of Bicycle Adventure, David Ni and Gavin Ni
Instructional Coaching in Higher Education, Meghan B. Raehll
Winding up for improved learning in a doctoral research core course: Integrating a spiral approach with scaffolding, Yuerong Sweetland, Niccole Hyatt, Constance Wanstreet, and Xiaopeng Ni
Assessing College Students’ Foundational Skills: Communication and Critical Thinking, Yuerong Sweetland and Michael Klingler
Academic Success: A Collaborative Case Study, Constance E. Wanstreet and Jasmine Suber
Becoming an Expert Instructional Designer, Rob L. Wood
Submissions from 2017
How to Create and Sustain Meaningful Discussions in Online Courses?, Ana-Paula Correia and Natalya Koehler
Applying project management strategies in a large curriculum conversion project in higher education, Joel Gardner, Patrick A. Bennett, Niccole Hyatt, and Kevin Stoker
Posters from 2016
Results of a Successful Redesign of an Introductory Statistics Course: Improved Student Performance, Retention, and Course Satisfaction, Nimet Alpay, Natalya Koehler, and Carolyn LeVally
Statistical Strategies: Meeting the Needs of Struggling Math Students through Self-Guided Interactive Multimedia, Nimet Alpay, Natalya Koehler, Carolyn LeVally, and Tawana Washington
Accessible Game-Based Learning: A Method for Establishing Educational Games Across a Broad Variety of Subjects, Brad Birmingham and Richard Shoop
Rethinking Doctoral Education, Barbara Fennema, Fawn Winterwood, and Wendell Seaborne
What We Learned Adopting 4 children, Joel Gardner
The Multimedia Developmental Process, Joel Gardner and Carolyn LeVally
Design Implications of Changing Student Demographics, Andy Igonor and Natalya Koehler
Evaluation Principles and Implentation for Performance Improvement, Younghee Jessie Kong
Hybrid Learning Design, Younghee Jessie Kong
Ensuring University and Student Success Through an Outcome-Based and Data-Driven Education Ecosystem, Karen Miner-Romanoff, Yi Yang, Joel Gardner, Ryan Brainerd, and Carolyn LeVally
Curriculum Design Framework in the Digital Age, Xiaopeng David Ni
I'm Engaged! Maximizing the Online Learning Experience, JoAnna Williamson, Matthew Barclay, and Jacinta Banks
Realigning a Graduate Program, Rob L. Wood and Joel Gardner
Books from 2014
Statistical Strategies: Meeting the Needs of Struggling Math Students through Self-Guided Interactive Media, Nimet Alpay, Adam Reid, Caitlin Uttley, and Carolyn LeVally
The Ultimate Flipped Classroom: Team-Based Learning, Matt Barclay
Going Global: Transnational Education Partnership Models- Challenges and Opportunities, Lewis Chongwony, Joel Gardner, Christopher Washington, and Yi Yang
Workflow for Developing Online Content for Hybrid Classes, John Mallen, Charles T. Jahren, Natalya Koehler, and Aliye Karabulut
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a Match: Does Cognitive Style Make a Difference?, David Ni, Raymond L. Forbes, and John S. Brent
Assessment for Learning: A Systematic Approach, Yuerong Sweetland and Souren Soumbatiants
An Innovative and Promising New Doctorate Program: DPS in Instructional Design Leadership, Yi Yang
Three questions to ask before you embark on gamification, Yi Yang
Choosing Appropriate Technologies to Engage Millennial Students, Yi Yang and Dennis Priebe
Books from 2013
Using a Team Approach to Redesign the First Course in a Master’s LevelInstructional Design and Performance Improvement Program, Barbara Carder, E’lise Flood, Joel Gardner, and Sharon Taylor
Development of a Framework for the Online Portion of a Hybrid Engineering Course, Natalya Koehler and Charles T. Jahren
Submissions from 2012
Research-based Design of Interactive Multimedia for Solving Instructional Problems, Natalya Koehler
An Interactive Multimedia Instructional Program on Statistics: An Instance of Design-Based Research, Natalya Koehler, Ann D. Thompson, Ana-Paula Correia, and Linda Serra Hagedorn
Submissions from 2010
Applying Merrill's First Principles of Instruction: Practical Methods Based on a Review of the Literature, Joel Gardner
Submissions from 2009
Pilot Study of a Multimedia Instructional Program for Project-Based Teaching ESL Grammar with a Story Format, Online Access, and Embedded Tracking, Natalya Koehler