Browse the collected research and scholarship of Franklin Faculty & Staff below. Works in this collection include articles, reports, chapters, ebooks, presentations, etc.
Submissions from 2013
Development of a Framework for the Online Portion of a Hybrid Engineering Course, Natalya Koehler and Charles T. Jahren
The problem with ADHD: Researchers' Constructions and Parents' Accounts, Bora Pajo and David Cohen Dr.
Time spent with children and working parents’ willingness to medicate ADHD-like behaviors, Bora Pajo and David Cohen
Gender Dynamics and Women’s Changing Roles in Johannesburg’s Somali Community, Marnie Shaffer
Submissions from 2012
Who's Educating the Psychologist-Manager?, Raymond L. Forbes
An Hierarchical Asset Valuation Method for Information Security Risk Analysis, Bilge Karabacak and Unal Tatar
Research-based Design of Interactive Multimedia for Solving Instructional Problems, Natalya Koehler
An Interactive Multimedia Instructional Program on Statistics: An Instance of Design-Based Research, Natalya Koehler, Ann D. Thompson, Ana-Paula Correia, and Linda Serra Hagedorn
A comparative review of “how to” books for parents of ADHD children and “how to” books for parents of typical children, Bora Pajo and Paul H. Stuart Dr.
A Comparative Examination of Women’s Remittance Practices in Two Somali Communities: Johannesburg, South Africa, and Columbus, Ohio, Marnie Shaffer
Submissions from 2010
Promoting Strengths, Prevention, Empowerment, and Community Change Through Organizational Development: Lessons for Research, Theory, and Practice, Scotney D. Evans, Ora Prilleltensky, Adrine McKenzie, and Isaac Prilleltensky
Applying Merrill's First Principles of Instruction: Practical Methods Based on a Review of the Literature, Joel Gardner
A Collaborative Process Based Risk Analysis for Information Security Management Systems, Bilge Karabacak and Sevgi Ozkan
Collaborative risk method for information security management practices: A case context within Turkey, Bilge Karabacak and Sevgi Ozkan
Submissions from 2009
Critical infrastructure protection status and action items of Turkey, Bilge Karabacak and Sevgi Ozkan
Pilot Study of a Multimedia Instructional Program for Project-Based Teaching ESL Grammar with a Story Format, Online Access, and Embedded Tracking, Natalya Koehler
Submissions from 2008
Fifty Years of Memory of College Grades: Accuracy and Distortions, Harry P. Bahrick, Lynda K. Hall, and Laura A. Da Costa
Submissions from 2006
A quantitative method for ISO 17799 gap analysis, Bilge Karabacak and Ibrahim Sogukpinar
Securing Networks of Information Age, Bilge Karabacak and Mert Uneri
Submissions from 2005
The Importance of Retrieval Failures to Long-term Retention: A Metacognitive Explanation of the Spacing Effect, Harry P. Bahrick and Lynda K. Hall
ISRAM: information security risk analysis method, Bilge Karabacak and Ibrahim Sogukpinar
Submissions from 2004
A Novel Approach to Information Security Risk Analysis, Bilge Karabacak and Ibrahim Sogukpinar
Submissions from 2002
Teaching Ethical Decision-making Using Critical Reflection, Learning Assessment, and Service Learning, Debbie Conner