Browse the collected research and scholarship of Franklin Faculty & Staff below. Works in this collection include articles, reports, chapters, ebooks, presentations, etc.
Submissions from 2019
Cybersecurity Education: The Quest to Building Bridge Skills, Andy Igonor, Raymond L. Forbes, and Jonathan McCombs
IOT Forensics Curriculum: Is It a Myth or Reality?, Bilge Karabacak, Kemal Aydin, and Andy Igonor
A complex structure representation of the US critical infrastructure protection program based on the Zachman Framework, Bilge Karabacak, Unal Tatar, Polinpapilinho F. Katina, and Andy Igonor
Submissions from 2018
Learning Commons Passport Presentation, Karen Caputo and Alyssa Darden
Rethinking the Library’s Role, Karen Caputo and Alyssa Darden
Overcoming Writing Challenges in Bilingual Nursing Students: A Funds of Knowledge Collaboration with Pre-Service Education Students, Debbie Conner, Eric J. Johnson, Janet Katz, and Isabel Velasquez
To Frame or Not to Frame: Improving Goal Setting, Alexander J. Dontre
Investigating Instructional Design Management and Leadership Competencies - a Delphi Study, Joel Gardner, Lewis Chongwony, and Tawana Washington
Franklin Urbana Library Merger, Kristi Lobrano
Social Control in Transnational Families: Somali Women and Dignity in Johannesburg, Marnie Shaffer
Routes, Locations, and Social Imaginary: A Comparative Study of the On-Going Production of Geographies in Somali Forced Migration, Marnie Shaffer, Giulia Ferrato, and Zaheera Jinnah
Submissions from 2017
Forget the Kitchen Sink!: Designing Focused, Student-Centered, and Mobile Friendly Research Guides, Christopher Casey
How to Create and Sustain Meaningful Discussions in Online Courses?, Ana-Paula Correia and Natalya Koehler
Biology, Business and Brain Science: The Strangest of Attractors?, Raymond L. Forbes, Andy Igonor, and Kody F. Kuehnl
Applying project management strategies in a large curriculum conversion project in higher education, Joel Gardner, Patrick A. Bennett, Niccole Hyatt, and Kevin Stoker
Preliminary Analysis of Cyberterrorism Threats to Internet of Things (IoT) Applications, Bilge Karabacak, Mobolarinwa Balogun, and Hayretdin Bahsi
From the National Cyber Maturity to the Cyber Resilience: The Lessons Learnt from the Efforts of Turkey, Bilge Karabacak and Unal Tatar
Formative Evaluation of a Web-based Multimedia Intervention to Support Learning of Statistics, Natalya Koehler, Ana-Paula Correia, Nimet Alpay, and Carolyn LeVally
Introduction to Research Methods: A Hands-On Approach, Bora Pajo
Enhancing Pre-service Teacher’s Preparation — The Promise of International Professional Learning Communities (IPLC), Valerie A. Storey
Submissions from 2016
"Making Lovely Nonsense out of everything": Individuated Receptions of Eugenic Theories of Cognitive Disability, Evan Chaloupka
Why Didn’t I Know? Perspectives from Adult Children of Elderly Parents with Dementia, Debbie Conner, Julie Postma, and Catherine Van Son
Brain Science and Organizational Coaching, Raymond L. Forbes
The Humanities, Brain Science and the Unforgiving Minute, Raymond L. Forbes
The Election Results and Criminal Justice Reform: Have We Reached an Impasse? Where Do We Go From Here?, Chenelle A. Jones