Browse the collected research and scholarship of Franklin Faculty & Staff below. Works in this collection include articles, reports, chapters, ebooks, presentations, etc.
Submissions from 2021
Association Between Patient-Clinician Relationships and Adherence to Antihypertensive Medications Among Black Adults: An Observational Study Design, Teng-Jen Chang, John F.P. Bridges, Mary Bynum, John W. Jackson, Joshua J. Joseph, Michael A. Fischer, Bo Lu, and Macarius M. Donneyong
Don't Miss These Patients! The Experience of Working Full Time While Also Being a Caregiver, Debbie Conner and Alyncia Bowen
The Library as a Safe(r) Space: Student Thoughts about the Library’s Role on Campus, Jessica Crossfield McIntosh, Kristin Cole, and Megan Powell
The Giver: Vision & Memory, Alexander J. Dontre
What Graduate School Didn't Teach You About Instructional Design Consulting, Joel Gardner, Dawn Snyder, Jim Guilkey, Virginia Abbott, and Matthew Barclay
Weeding Ebooks at an Academic Library, Marc Jaffy
Refugees on the Move: Resettlement and Onward Migration in Final Destination Countries, Marnie Shaffer and Emma Stewart
The Ethical and Practical Challenges of Archiving Refugee Accounts: Reflections from Two Research Projects in the UK, Emma Stewart and Marnie Shaffer
Advancing Workplace Diversity: Weathering the Storm to Create a Path toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Lisa T. Toler
How Nonprofit CEOs And Board Chairs Can Cultivate Justice, Equity, Diversity And Inclusion, Christopher Washington
Submissions from 2020
Transition to Practice: Perceptions of Nursing by Foreign Educated Physicians Enrolled in an FNP Program, Gail K. Baumlein and Debbie Conner
The Influence of Technology on Academic Distraction: A Review, Alexander J. Dontre
Instructional Design Leadership and Management Competencies: Job Description Analysis, Joel Gardner, Lewis Chongwony, and Amie Tope
Bento box user experience study at Franklin University, Marc Jaffy
A Mixed Public-Private Partnership Approach for Cyber Resilience of Space Technologies, Bilge Karabacak, Gokhan Ikitemur, and Andy Igonor
Learning Analytics and Gateway Courses: Keys to Student Success, Constance Wanstreet, Meghan B. Raehll, and Yuerong Sweetland
Embracing 'Out Of Orbit' Thinking To Help Your Team Grow Through What They Go Through, Christopher Washington
Give Your Nonprofit A 'Thrivable' Future By Cultivating Loyalty, Christopher Washington
Nonprofit Leadership: How To Strengthen Organizational Culture By Unleashing Employee Expertise, Christopher Washington
E-learning's Performance in the COVID-19 Era: Findings from Franklin University Focus Group, Christopher Washington and Karen Miner-Romanoff
Submissions from 2019
Sharing clinical notes with patients: The nurse practitioner perspective, Deborah S. Adelman, Catherine Fant, and Debbie Conner
Creating a Culture of Wellness: A Call to Action for Higher Education, Igniting Change in Academic Institutions, Megan Amaya, Teresa Donegan, Debbie Conner, Julie Edwards, and Christy Gipson
Idiocy and Object-Attentive Reading in The Sound and The Fury, Evan Chaloupka
Dichotomies: Lessons from a College Life on Tour, Alexander J. Dontre